Monday 18 July 2011

A Beginners Prayer-Guide For Christians Who Do Not Know How To Pray: PART TWO

In Part One, we looked briefly at some of the problems faced by Christians when coming before The Lord to pray.

We looked at what prayer is and how should we define it and at the difficulties of knowing when and how to pray.

We also observed that public recognition, eloquence and wordy, or impressive speech, may be simply products of the mind and not necessarily of the heart or spirit and that these can be barriers to answered prayer.

Furthermore, we learned that prayer is often the result of human needs as well as of praise and worship of the God whom we love.

In Part Two, we will look at why we should pray and when we should pray and we will also look at how our prayers can be truly answered as well as attempting to examine reasons why some prayers are NOT answered.

We will conclude this subject on prayer with some examples from Biblical sources about the types of prayers that can be prayed.


The most important thing to remember about praying is that prayer must come from the heart because God, our father, who is in Heaven, looks not on the outward things of a man but only upon the heart.

In other words God looks for genuiness, honesty and truthfulness in those who come before him.

He cannot abide falseness, dishonesty, or lies so we must always approach The Lord with a penitent heart full of sincerity and also believe that He is more than able to provide what we petition Him for.

This is what the Bible calls 'Faith'. We must believe that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.


The Bible exhorts believers to pray because prayer aids our sanctification in Jesus Christ and helps us to develop our relationship with God.

Prayer helps us to abide in Him and ensure that through a closer walk with God, Jesus abides in us.

John 15:7-10 says: 'if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you'.

Therefore it is imperative, that as believers in The Lord Jesus, we learn to pray regularly.


As Christians, we can pray alone and in secret, which is predominantly the best way to pray.

This method of praying is also the way recommended by The Lord Jesus, himself, in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 6 where He says:

'But when You Pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Heavenly Father, which is in secret; and your Father, which sees in secret shall reward you openly'.

As believers, there are also times when we need to pray as a group such as in worship or the giving of thanks to God. Sometimes we may need to pray together for the needs of one another, which the scriptures also exhort us to do (as recommended in the book of James 5:16).


You may very well be wondering if there are any special requirements that God may desire of us when praying. The answer to this enquiry is YES! The Lord has set out in His word a particular pattern which believers must follow in order to achieve a successful prayer-life.

A) The Lord requires us to have a humble heart:
'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I WILL HEAR from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

B) The Lord also requires us to be wholehearted before Him:
'You will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with ALL Your Heart (Jeremiah 29:13).

C) The Lord requires us to call upon His Name in Faith:
'Therefore I tell You, whatever You ask for IN PRAYER, believe that You have received it, and it will be yours (Mark 11:24) [NIV]

D) The Lord requires that we live in Righteousness and that we are in a state of confession and contrition before Him:
'..Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another. The effectual, fervent prayer, of a righteous man, availeth much (James 5:16).

E) The Lord also requires of us daily obedience to Him and His Word: 'And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we KEEP His commandments, and DO those things that are pleasing in His sight (1 John 3:22).


Psalm 34:17-19 tell us that: 'When the righteous cry' The Lord hears them and delivers them out of ALL their troubles.

He assures us that: He is near to those who are of a broken heart and saves those who are of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the lord delivers him out of them ALL'.

For further understanding of this intimacy with God please read the following scriptures from your Bible:

  • Psalm 91:15
  • 1 Samuel 1:27
  • Psalm 4:1-5
  • Psalm 18:1-6
  • Proverbs 15:29
  • Isaiah 58:1-14 (is a perfect example of why we should pray for the world).
  • Luke 11:1-13 (is a perfect example of how much we put our trust in God our Heavenly Father).


Historically the church has observed that there are times when prayers have been made and have not been answered.

The Bible gives several reasons for why prayers are refused and why there may be apparent causes for failure in prayer.

It must be understood that our prayers should be in accordance with God's divine will as recorded in 1 John 5: 13-15 where the Bible specifically states that:

'..This is the confidence we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His Will, he hears us'.

'And if we KNOW that He hears us, Whatsoever we ask, we Know [also] that we have the petitions we desired of him'.

A list of possible causes for unanswered Prayer:

  1. DISOBEDIENCE.............................. Deuteronomy 1:45 and 1 Samuel 14:37
  2. SECRET SINS................................... Psalm 66:18
  3. INDIFFERENCE............................... Proverbs 1:28
  4. UNMERCIFUL................................. Proverbs 21:13
  5. UNFORGIVING................................ Luke 6:37
  6. DESPISING GOD's LAW................. Proverbs 28:9
  7. BLOODGUILTINESS....................... Isaiah 1:15
  8. INIQUITY.......................................... Isaiah 59:2 and Micah 3:4
  9. STUBBORNESS/STIFFNECKED.... Zechariah 7:13
  10. INSTABILITY OR DOUBT.............. James 1:6-7
  11. SELF INDULGENCE........................ James 4:3
  12. LACK OF EQUITY........................... Proverbs 29:27 and Revelations 22:11
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list as there are many other behaviours that God dislikes in man.

God answers prayer requests in His own way and in His own time and cannot grant prayer requests that are against His holy nature or His wisdom and purposes. He will not grant prayer requests that are purely selfish in nature or are not in our best interest including those prayers which are immoral or made with impure motives.


A prayer of praise (Jude 1:24-25)
The Prayer of Paul for those who share his ministry (Phillippians 1:3-11)
The prayer of Paul concerning Spiritual wisdom (Ephesians 1:15-23)
The prayer of Paul for knowing God's Will (Colossians 1:9-12)
The prayer of Paul for Spiritual Growth (ephesians 3:14-21)
The prayer of Stephen at his stoning (Acts 7:59-60)
The intercessory prayer of Jesus (John 17:1-26)
The Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-15)
The Publican's prayer  (Luke 18:13)
The prayer of the Prophet Habbakuk (Habbakuk 3:1-19)
The prayer of Ezra (Ezra 9:5-15)
The prayer of Daniel concerning The Captivity (Daniel 9:4-19)
The prayer of Hezekiah who was sick (Isaiah 38:2-8)
The prayer of Jabez for God's Blessing (1 Chronicles 4:10)
The prayer of Elijah on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:36-39)
The prayer of Solomon at the Temple Dedication (1 kings 8:22)
The prayer of King David's thankgiving (2 Samuel 7:18-29)
The prayer of Abraham for Sodom  & Gommorah (Genesis 18:23-25)

Further examples of the different topics of prayer that can be made are follows:

Prayer for repentance, for salvation, for wholeness, for healing, for miracles, for blessings, for peace, for guidance, for love, for a baby, for conquering fears, for every day issues of life, for overcoming sin, for world peace, for the promotion of the gospel, for the disenfranchised and downtrodden, for unbelievers, for Governments and those in authority over us. for the coming of God's Kingdom, for the dying, for the dead, for the living, for long life, for wisdom, for discernment, for the future, for goodness to triumph, and so on...


We began this study of prayer with the purpose of providing a basic outline of what prayer is and why prayer is necessary. 

ATT-ALL THESE THINGS has set out some biblical principles that we hope those who are unsure about praying may be encouraged to follow.

Please note that the subject of prayer is an infinitely vast area of the bible and is therefore worthy of further study.


How often do You Pray? Do You consider Prayer to be important?  If so, then Why?
If you wish to advance or discuss this subject further then please leave your comments in the comment section of this post.

Friday 15 July 2011

A Beginners Prayer-Guide For Christians Who Do Not Know How To Pray: PART ONE

This Prayer-Guide is designed to help and encourage Christians to develop a deeper understanding of prayer and why it is important to pray.

In Part One, we will look briefly at defining what prayer is and how and when to pray.

In Part Two, we will look at the types of prayer that can be prayed and what the Bible has to say about this subject, as well as providing some suggestions about what to pray for. 

Christians can pray wherever they may be.


Understanding our personal need for prayer, and knowing how to pray, as well as being aware of what to pray for, and knowing when and where to pray, can often be a very daunting and scary practice for some Christians.

Even the thought of how to behave in our approach to God - what stance to take and what posture to adopt: Kneeling (1 Kings 8:45), Bowing the head down (Exodus 4:31, 2 Chronicles 20:18, Matthew 26:39), Prostrate, Sitting, Standing (1 Kings 8:22), are all common difficulties that many Christians face at one time, or another.  

When we consider the practice of praying, these thoughts can make a person very fearful of ever coming into the presence of God to 'Pray'.

For the Christian who does not know how to pray, or what to pray for, please rest assured that prayer need NOT be the mysterious practice of an apparently select and religiously devout few.

Furthermore, prayer need not be the verbalized outworking of cleverly speaking individuals, be they members of the Clergy, Pastors of a denomination, or the oration of eloquently educated members of a church, or other oganization.

WHAT IS PRAYER? - How should we define it?

Prayer is simply communicating with God. Communicating with God is a two-way process in which, we not only speak to God but that we also pay careful attention to listen to His response to us.

Communicating with God helps us to grow closer to Him and enables us to become more intimately connected with Him.

Praying is the act, or practice, of addressing God in words but also the act of waiting patiently for God to respond to you.

Praying can also be the result of being in a meditative state in the presence of God and can also be an action brought about by the movement of the Holy Ghost upon a person so moved.

Whatever the circumstances may be, praying is something that is accompanied by, or may be in addition to, an act of praise, thanksgiving, or worship.

Praying need not be the result of specially worded forms that some churches prefer to follow in their addresses to God.

In fact, the Bible shows that prayers that come directly from the heart of the person praying, are far more effective with God than those prayed with the mind alone.

Praying is essentially an action of the spirit of a person rather than the flesh (to add a Biblical perspective).


Christians should therefore, pray to God devoutly and frequently so that their lives can be refreshed and sanctified, characterized by a heart that is conducively fervent towards God in a loving and prayerful manner.

Prayers that make use of Wordy or Impressive speech, or which are constantly repetative, are deemed to be ineffectual forms of prayer and should be avoided (Matt. 6:7, Eccl.5:2).

If you feel that you really cannot pray and that this is in some way a barrier to your communications with The Lord, then you should ask the Holy Ghost to help you overcome this difficulty in your life (Romans 8:26-27).

Wednesday 18 May 2011


One of the main problems affecting the lives of Christians today is the need to understand the Word of God in a more simplified way.

This has long been a problem for many that has led to newer versions of The Bible being written in a more modern context for easier explanation of the meaning behind the original text.

This influx of of new versions has the unfortunate effect of reducing the power and impact of the original text in some modern translations and some have entirely altered meanings in others.

Another problem facing The Church is that too many Christians are failing to read and know The Bible for themselves and instead they tend to rely on 'others' within The Church to interpret and make known God's Word, for them. This means that vulnerable Christians are being subjected to all kinds of issues as a result.

Thus, when they are overtaken by problems in their daily lives, these Christians often turn to the Pastor to resolve their problems instead of calling upon the name of Jesus and standing on the Word of God for themselves.

If you find that your prayers are not being answered then as a child of the Living God you need to do one of three things:

Put right any wrongdoing, repent and seek His forgiveness.

Is there someone in your life that you have not forgiven?

Find believers who will stand with you in your need as The Bible says where two or three are gathered together in Jesus Name He is in the midst when we truly believe in Him.

The Bible, has all the answers to meet the needs of the people of God in every aspect of their lives.

So if you are seeking God's help in your situation here is a common List of God's Answers to Your Concerns:

How to abide in Jesus:  John 15:5, 1 John 2:28, 2 John 9
How To overcome afflictions: Job 5:17, 2 Corinthians 4:17, Hebrews 12:11
How to resolve Your anger: Psalm 37:8, Proverbs 16:32, James 1:19
How to know if God has answered Prayer: 1 Kings 18:37, Psalm 91:15, Luke 11:9
How to end backsliding: Proverbs 14:14, Matthew 24:12, Hebrews 10:38
How to know the Love of Jesus: John 13:1, Romans 8: 35, 1 John 3:16
How to know contentment: Proverbs 15:16, Phillippians 4:11, Hebrews 13:5
How to gain courage: Joshua 1:9, Daniel 3:16-17, Phillipians 1:28
How to seek comfort:  Isaiah 40:1, Isaiah 62:1-2, John 14:1
How to trust in Divine Deliverance:  Daniel 6:22, Job 5:19, 2 Timothy 4:18
How to trust in Divine Guidance:  Psalm 25:9, Psalm 48:14, Isaiah 42:16
How to trust in Divine Power:  Romans 4:20-21, Ephesians 3:20, Jude v 24-25
How to resolve doubt:  Matthew 14:31, Mark 4:40, Luke 24:25
How to maintain Faith:  Romans 10:17, Ephesians 2:8, Galatians 5:6
The importance of fearing God: Joshua 24:14, Ecclesiastes 12:13, 1 peter 2:17
Have no fear of Man:  Proverbs 29:25, Isaiah 51:12, John 12:42
Avoid foolishness:  Proverbs 15:14, Proverbs 18:13, Psalm 53:1
The importance of forgiveness:  Psalm 130:4, Matthew 6:14, Acts 5:31
The importance of gentleness:  1 Thessolonians 2:7, 1 Timothy 2:24, James 3:17
Knowing God's care for You:  Genesis 28:15, Psalm 121:4, 2 Timothy 1:12
Knowing God's Grace:  Romans 4:16, Romans 9:16, Titus 3:5
Knowing The Father's Love For You:  John 3:16, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Revelations 1:5
The harmfulness of greed:  Ecclesiastes 5:10, Matthew 27:5, 1 Timothy 6:9
Assurance of Heaven:  John 14:2-3, Luke 10:20, Matthew 6:20
The existence of Hell:  Matthew 13:41-42, Matthew 25:41, Revelations 20:10-15, Revelations 21:8
The need for Humility:  Micah 6:8, Luke 22:26, Romans 12:3
Knowing the Joy of The Lord:  Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 16:11, John 16:24
Knowing the freedom of God:  Isaiah 61:1, Romans 8:2, 2 Corinthians 3:17
The importance of Loving Your Neighbour:  Mark 12:31, Romans 13:10, James 2:8
The importance of obedience:  Joshua 11:15, 2 Kings 18:6, Acts 26:19
The need for patience:  Psalm 40:1, Isaiah 33:2, Acts 1:4
The problems of Popularity:  John 12:43, Acts 24:7, Colossians 3:22
The Power of Prayer:  Matthew 17:21, Matthew 21:22, John 15:7
The importance of Praising God:  Psalm 67:3, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 2:9
The Believers need for Prayerfulness:  Luke 2:37, Luke6:12, 1 Thessalonians 3:10
The problems of Prayerlessness:  Isaiah 43:22, Daniel 9:13, Zephaniah 1:6
The danger of Pride:  Proverbs 16:18, 2 Chronicles 32:25, 1 John 2:16
God's promises to the Righteous:  Job 36:7, Psalm 34:15, Matthew 13:43
The importance of Repentance:  Luke 13:2-3, Acts 3:19, Acts 17:30
The need for Salvation:  John 3:16, Romans 10:9-13, Ephesians 2:8-10
The need for Spiritual Growth:  Ephesians 4:15, 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 1 Peter 2:2
The need for Spiritual Power:  Zechariah 4:6, Acts 1:8, Acts 6:8
The need for Spiritual Strength:  Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 41:10, Ephesians 3:16
God's Strength in Weakness:  1 Corinthians 1:27, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 11:33-34 

God's ability to provide for his people in difficult times is not limited to the list above and believers should read The Bible often in order to discover The Truth of His wonderful provisions for us because we serve a Faithful God who says that He will never leave us, or forsake us no matter what the circumstances. He IS God and He changes not.

The Bible tells us clearly that if we seek Him with ALL our heart and draw near to Him then He will draw near to us and we shall surely find Him.

Put your Trust in Him Today and discover the Love of Jesus for yourself. God Loves You.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


There are many reasons why we need Jesus.

Here are just a few points for you to consider:

We need Jesus because of our past.

We have all grown up into a world that is full of the beauty, wonder and splendour of God, but at the same time, we have all grown up into a world that is selfish, arrogant, proud, violent and destructive. People seem to believe that revolution: whether Economical, Educational, Industrial, Technological,Socially-Developed and Multimedia Saturated is the way to solve our problems or whether by Wars, by Empire Building, or by World Domination, the concept of revolution has dominated our thinking and behavior for thousands of years.

The act of revolution is so ingrained in us that we cannot change it. We cannot go back, but JESUS can. The Bible says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever”~Hebrews 13:8. JESUS is the only true hope for mankind and it is by revelation of who He is, not revolution, and by our acknowledgement of what He has already done for us through His death on the cross, that we can come to a place of recognition and ask Jesus to step into those places of sin in our lives, wipe the slate clean, and give us a new beginning.

We need Jesus Because we need a friend.

Jesus is one who truly listens to us. He also understands us, because He knows the problems of being human, even though He is also divine. Jesus knows the worst about us, yet He believes the best about us too.

Jesus is always there for us when no-one else really cares, or when all our other friends have abandoned us. Why? Because He sees us not as we are, but as we will be when He completes His life-changing work in us. So that we can truly say: “What a friend we have in Jesus!"

We need Jesus because He holds the future.

There are those who spend time and money trying to convince us that our futures are safe in their hands but we learn all to often that this is a misnomer, because no human has such ultimate power over life and death. So who else can we trust? In JESUS' hands we are truly safe and secure…today, tomorrow and for all eternity.

His Word says: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen”~Jeremiah 29:11-12

We need Jesus' help in making the right choice for our lives

If you would like to begin a personal relationship with Jesus today, simply pray this prayer and mean it from your heart:

Lord Jesus, I invite You into my life. I believe You died for me and that Your blood paid for my sins and provides me with the gift of eternal life. By faith I receive that gift, and I acknowledge You as my Lord and Savior.


Friday 18 March 2011


Since the year 2010 it has often been reported in the media that The Government is considering proposals to allow homosexual couples to make use of religious readings, religious music and religious symbols in their civil partnership wedding ceremonies, according to an equalities commission minister.

The review appears to have created a controversial amendment to the Equality Act which will allow, but not compel, churches to host civil partnerships.

Lord Tebbit, a former Conservative Party chairman, is reported to have criticised the idea, saying: “I wouldn’t want anything done to add to the pretence that a civil partnership is a marriage…”.

A spokesman for the Church of England was reported to have said: “The Church of England is not proposing to open its churches for civil partnership registrations”.
However, it is now on record that prior to the General Election Theresa May is quoted as having said that “the Conservatives would consider the case for renaming same-sex civil partnerships as ‘marriages’”.

Furthermore, David Cameron is later reported to have informed Sky News that he was “’not planning’ to change the law…”.

Nevertheless, the numerous debates that have followed these wranglings and procedures provoked initially by the Equalities Commissions Ministers as a direct result of the Equalities Bill being passed, has served to fuel a state of hysteria and confusion on both sides of the debate on the subject of Civil Partnerships being allowed to ‘Marry’ in church.

This folly has created a recipe for intolerance that has led some political and religious leaders and other individuals, within the church and elsewhere, to make numerous and untimely expressions that have revived old prejudices that can only lead to hatred and injustice on both sides.

Take the case of The Swedish Pastor sentenced to jail for criticising homosexuality in his sermon
A Swedish Pastor was sentenced to one month in jail after giving a sermon in which he said homosexuality was a "deep cancerous tumour in society”. However the Supreme Court of Sweden acquitted him on appeal.

The Pastor’s words highlighted in bold above, are clearly an act of ‘incitement’ against an already prejudiced group in society, and therefore, shows a lack of compassion and righteous judgment in the delivery of his message.

Furthermore, this type of statement appears to suggest that it is a widely held Christian view that appears to validate acts of hatred by Christian groups. This is misguided and misleading as not all Christians or denominations necessarily uphold this view.

Moreover, these statements, and others like them, are guaranteed to embroil innocent Christian bystanders and their families and friends in a hate war, which is ultimately detrimental to The Christian Faith and The promotion and acceptance of The Gospel of Salvation.

Hatred is not part of the Christian Faith and both the church and Christians today must be made aware of this.

The Pastor’s Indictment

In July 2003 Pastor Ake Green from Sweden was arrested after giving a sermon in which he stated that homosexuality was a "deep cancerous tumour in the entire society."

He further asserted that homosexuality is a choice, and that one cannot be a Christian and a practicing homosexual. He also said that: “...adoption by homosexuals is wrong”.

He was subsequently charged under Sweden's 'hate crime' laws and convicted with inciting hatred against homosexuals.

[Cited In: The Christian Institute Archives - Swedish Pastor sentenced to jail for criticising homosexuality in sermon ]

Take the case of The Equality Commission’s ‘sorry’ for Christian ‘infection’ jibe

The Government’s equality agency has said sorry for a sneering remark that suggested that: “Christian moral values are like an ‘infection’ that could harm children”.

The taxpayer-funded Equality and Human Rights Commission had warned that ‘children’ could be “infected” by the moral views of ‘Christian’ foster parents, who oppose homosexual behavior, but erroneously makes no mention of the impact that ‘Homosexual’ foster parents views could also have on children in their care.

Moreover, this view of morals as an ‘infection’, is equally ignored in other fields involving children, such as Education environments and even Social Service involved environments in which personnel with extraordinary views and affiliations etc., may also impact on children’s states of mind and their moral consciousnesses.

The extraordinary remark quoted in the first paragraph above, was published in legal paperwork prepared by a respected QC for a court case involving a Christian couple struggling to be approved as foster parents. This couple, are people who believe that if they fostered children who had either developed homosexual tendencies or came from a background of homosexual influence, that they could not in any way be compelled compassionately to support these children, if they were granted the right to ‘Foster’, irrespective of their views.

An example of the inherent dangers of this type of social conditioning is born out by the film Better Dead Than Gay (1996).

The Commission’s Apology

It has been reported that the Commission issued an apology. It also attempted to distance itself from the suggestion that sexual orientation rights take precedence over religious rights.

The offensive remarks related to a court case involving Eunice and Owen Johns, who say they have been effectively blocked by Derby City Council from fostering, because of their Christian beliefs about homosexual behaviour.

A statement was published on the Equality Commission’s website that stated: “Earlier this week the case of Johns v Derby City Council, in which the Commission had intervened, attracted some attention”.

The Commission claimed the jibe was a ‘Mistake’

A commission spokesperson said: “Unfortunately a mistake within our legal submission led to an inference that we did not intend and which, was misconstrued, as suggesting that the Commission equates Christian moral views with an infection… Furthermore, the Commission entirely rejects any view (as reported in the media) that rights in relation to sexual orientation ‘take precedence’ over religious rights”.

The Commission’s views on Child welfare

“The Commission fully upholds the rights of ‘looked-after children’ to be supported in their chosen religion or that of their family, in the context of the paramount importance of the welfare of the child…The Equality Act provides protection against discrimination on the grounds of religion, or belief, as well as on the grounds of sexual orientation, and the Commission has produced extensive guidance to explain this legislation, which was introduced by Parliament”.

“The Commission has written to Mr and Mrs Johns to apologise.”

The Commission’s views are seen as ‘Extraordinary’ by The John’s Legal Defense support

It should be noted that The Johns’ legal defence was supported by the Christian Legal Centre and in a statement issued before the Commission’s apology, the Centre said: “Suggesting that Christian moral beliefs on sexual ethics could ‘infect’ children is an extraordinary position for a statutory body to take... It is also deeply insulting both to the Johns, who have a proven track record of successfully raising children, and to Christians in general.”

Gay historian David Starkey appears to defend Christians

“Penalising Christians for their beliefs about homosexual behaviour is intolerant, oppressive and tyrannical, said gay historian David Starkey on a BBC Question Time programme.

He was commenting on the cases of Christian foster carers and also the Bed and Breakfast owners who suffered under the apparent unjust equality policies. But Labour’s Margaret Beckett, a former Foreign Secretary, said: “racists should not be foster parents, and neither should those who believe homosexual behaviour is wrong”.

Furthermore, the Tories’ Iain Duncan Smith also claimed that “…foster parents should not be allowed to push their views on children in their care”.

However, fellow panellist, Liam Halligan of the Daily Telegraph, said: “Mr Duncan Smith had got it wrong”. He said: “I’m a tolerant guy, but sometimes if you absolutely push tolerant people they become intolerant because you go past the point of no return… and this is a situation where the absolute letter of the law, which may have been drafted with good intentions, has completely blown away any proportion of common sense”.

This viewpoint is seen as a ‘Tyrannous New Morality’ that is every bit as oppressive

The former UN Deputy Secretary General, appeared to share Mr Starkey’s concerns about the state deciding morality.

Mr Starkey, a self-professed atheist, said: “It seems to me that what we are doing is producing a tyrannous new morality that is every bit as oppressive as the old” and he warned that this new morality was “intolerant, oppressive and intrusive into family life”.

A book about the definitions causes and solutions to Prejudism, Bigotry and Hatred

The Danger of prejudice

Mr Starkey further illustrated the danger by pointing to the case of the Christian guesthouse owners who were recently fined £3,600 because of their policy of restricting double beds to married couples.

He said: “The way to do that is not to ban them, not to fine them. It is for them simply to put up what seems to me to be a quite proper notice in a small privately run hotel which says we are Christians and this is what we believe, otherwise… we are producing a new tyranny.”

Discrimination should be illegal but Christians should be entitled to hold their belief

Mr Starkey said that: “direct discrimination against homosexuality should be illegal”, but insisted that Christians should be entitled to hold their beliefs without fear of state interference.

Earlier this year Michael Portillo, discussing the plight of the Christian B&B owners sued over their double bed policy, expressed concern at the dangers posed by a “secular theocracy” and although Mr Portillo did not agree with the B&B owners’ beliefs, he was concerned about the erosion of personal liberty.

The former cabinet minister made the comment on BBC Radio 4’s: the Moral Maze, examining the ongoing conflict between religious belief and human rights law.

Restrictions imposed on Religious Beliefs is a major concern

Other members of the show’s panel also expressed concern that the law had gone too far in restricting the rights of people to manifest their religious beliefs.

Referring to the dangers posed by the emergence of “secular theocracy”, Mr Portillo said: “I’m not on the receiving end of this at the moment at all because I’m not a religious person, but I can easily conceive of how I could be on the receiving end of some future legislation”.

Mr Portillo also cautioned against allowing the common consensus to dictate the law, warning that a minority could use new laws to sway public opinion.

This Extract is taken from news reported in The Christian Institute Online News Archives

[The Christian Institute: Gay historian David Starkey appears to defend Christians]


Secularisation: A Warning To The Churches

On the subject of “Secular Theocracy” and its links with civil partnership ceremonies and in particular Gay Marriages being somehow Christianized under new legislation promoted by the Equalities Commission and ‘Others’, how can we, who are Christians’, be certain that we are not being led down the garden path by Christian Extremists, who may actually be privately supporting an Orwellian View of Society that is currently seeking to control the populace and dictate to us how we should behave, when we should go to work, when eat, sleep and play, and then remove our individual rights, silence the dissidents, take away our freedoms, and ultimately Euthanize us when we are no longer considered valuable, or productive to society.

Is this current drive for secularisation through legalism really a form of Fascism by the back door? Is it part of The Fabian Society’s ‘Policy of Gradualism’ or even an expression of Albert Pike's Societal Reforms, being invoked on an all too unsuspecting society? Christians may well be advised to check these links out on the internet for a complete insight into this damning crisis that is fast looming in the churches, and within our society as you'll be amazed at what you thought you knew about this subject.

The articles described above contain a complex argument that has been raging for several hundred years both within the church and outside of it. For this reason, it is imperative that Christians be aware, that to argue strongly, even vehemently, against such inferred practices, such as that referred to in the articles above, only serves to exacerbate it and strengthen its resolve and purposes with resulting casualties being promoted on both sides, in the process.

The danger of being spiritually choked by the tares

The judges decision may appear to be wrong in that he clearly favours what was once viewed as immoral and possibly A-moral as a valuable, social, and moral right over that of another, valuable, social, and moral right, to the detriment of all other socially recognised values, or moral rights that we have developed in society. Surely the proper course of Law should be that these Moral rights must be taken into account as a whole and not viewed individually, although they may be applied that way, so as to maintain moral balance. As a judge, he also has to balance this new-found view with the need to protect the weak from the strong, as does the church, also have this power. The real question here is: Who are the weak in this insidious situation?

However, failure to Judge righteously only serves to increase contempt and further the causes of evil doers who secretly and privately seek to undermine the fabric of social and religious order both outside the church and also within it. Therefore, individuals, who insist on taking such moral high ground would do well to remember that there are wives and children among the many church congregations that may be inadvertently exposed to risks and unwise practices, not of their making, as well as those who follow a completely different set of morals or beliefs.

Here-in then, lays the dilemma that should cause all believers to heed the warning: Beware of the Tares! (Those individuals or individual groups, who promote the voice of secular theocracy), that these may well be wolves in sheeps clothing!

In reality though, Christians and non-christians alike, who persue such immoral attitudes secretly or otherwise, are promoting a society that is fast becoming a society that has had its conscience seared with the hot iron of media science and distorted political values. An approach, that having begun with so-called ‘good intentions, has gradually stripped this country of its historically-earned democracy and freedom in favour of unjust regulations and modern organisations and New Age practices that can only spiral downwards into even more, moral and social decline, leading to an increase in violence at every level of our once great social institutions and beyond.

Historical Prejudice in action

Already this century has witnessed these facts occurring on the streets of Britain. Unless we, as a nation, stop this from developing further, the situation can only get worse. From a Biblical perspective: Was this not the same process that caused the Egyptians to enslave the Israelites and mistreat them any which way that could be dreamt of?

Is it not the same process that caused Jonah to disobey God's calling to go to Nineveh simply because he hated the Ninevites with a vengeance and wanted to see them destroyed even though Jonah knew that the God he served was a merciful and forgiving God?

Is it not the same process that saw the Jews persecuted throughout Europe and Britain in the middle ages when many were put to death or suffered in prisons simply for being Jewish?

Is it not then the same process that led to Hitler killing 6,ooo,ooo (Million) Jews and Gypsies and Disabled Persons and those with Mental Illnesses etc. simply for who they were?

Is it not the same process that enabled the Voortrekkers (Dutch Speaking People) of South Africa to mistreat and virtually enslave the Black Populations of that country by stigmatizing them, and putting up signs saying: "NO BLACKS"? Is it not the same then as putting up signs saying No Red-Heads’ or ‘No Brunettes’ or ‘No Christians’ and even ‘No Homosexuals’?

Is it not the same process that caused coloured people to be put into slavery endorsed by none other than that great Preacher George Whitfield and others?

Is it not the same process then as the mistreatment of Black People in the Southern States of America who were persecuted and murdered. Is it not the same process that witnessed coloured people being mistreated and persecuted in their thousands in just the same way as those Dutch People had in South Africa.

God raised up people like Jesse Jackson, Nelson Mandela and many others in past times to turn the tide on those who blindly persecute, bully, hate, maim and kill all in the name of prejudice and for what?

Is it not that our God is a loving, forgiving , caring and merciful God (Micah ch 7 verse 17-19)?

Serving a Loving and Merciful God

We may not like what these groups do or the way they may behave, talk, or look even, but Jesus Love's them no matter who they are and besides that who are we to go against God's Sovereign Will when He has proclaimed that “The Gospel of Salvation must be preached To EVERY Creature” and that "The End of The Gentiles must be fulfilled". Could this argument that everyone is talking about, actually be the cannon that brings this scripture to its fulfilment? TO ALL christians, What says the scripture: "Love one another" and "NOT to hate them that persecute us" but rather to "do GOOD unto them..." that in all things Our Father which is in Heaven may be glorified.

There is another Way and it is the Jesus Way. His Gospel is The Gospel Of Love

Heeding the Warning to the Churches

Don’t let Satan bite your heel. So next time you’re called to sign on the dotted line for this political action or for any other, ask yourselves, is this the way God wants me to behave? How can we preach Salvation to others if we behave immorally too?


Genocide:The deliberate, systematic extermination of an entire people

Against People

• Threats

• Assault

• Terrorism

• Murder

Against Property

• Arson

• Desecration

(violating the sanctity of a house of worship or a cemetery or a country, or a beautiful place etc.)

• Employment


• Housing Discrimination

• Educational


• Harassment

(hostile acts based on a person’s race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or gender)

• Name Calling

• Ridicule

• Social Avoidance

• Social Exclusion

• Telling Belittling Jokes

• Accepting Stereotypes

• Not Challenging Belittling Jokes

• Scapegoating

(assigning blame to people because of their group identity)

Prejudiced Attitudes - Violence - Discrimination - Acts of Prejudice

©2003 Anti-Defamation League and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation

Saturday 26 February 2011

Why Christians Should Pray For The World...

No Escape: Vulnerable Children at Risk Worldwide

In today’s society it seems incredible that with all our modern technology, medical and scientific advances, modern educational programmes and worldwide charitable organisations that there are still approximately 108 million orphaned children worldwide: often found in circumstances such as poverty, war, diseases such as HIV/AIDS, which result in millions of children every year being left to fend for themselves.

The disturbing fact is that these figures are increasing year by year and despite our best organisational efforts it would seem that that the world does not really care that 175 million children around the world have lost one or both parents to HIV, for example.

Throughout the world, many countries operate state-run orphanages, but the future of these children is far from secure. In Russia, for example, 650,000 children live in orphanages and of those children who are leaving orphanages, research shows that 40% become homeless, 20% turn to crime and 10% commit suicide.

There are thought to be at least 300,000 child soldiers currently serving in armies or militia groups worldwide: Over half of all child soldiers are said to be in Africa but notably around 70,000 are in Myanmar.

It is also claimed that around 700 million children of primary school age who do not attend school: Although more children around the world are going to school than ever before, there are still hundreds of millions of children who either don’t have the opportunity to go to school, or who drop out of school environments without ever having mastered even a basic set of cognitive skills such as, reading, writing, or arithmetic due to poverty and other socio-economic reasons.

In numerous countries, Girls in particular are more especially denied the opportunity to attend school and are often kept at home to assist in supporting their families or because they are thought of as not needing an education in those regions where girls might be forced into marriage. Furthermore, an inadequate or incomplete education leaves the children vulnerable to exploitation by abusive employers.

It has been suggested that around 42 million girls, under the age of 18, are expected to be married in the next decade: In those areas where poverty is acute, children are often seen as an economic burden and therefore, the marriage of young girls to older, or even elderly men, is believed to benefit both the child and her family, especially financially and socially.

Even more shocking by today’s standards is the fact that there are approximately 1.2 million - children being trafficked each year: According to figures published by UNICEF and other organizations such as The UK Network for World Mission, ‘Trafficking’ is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people, by means of threats, force, coercion or deception. Children that are taken in this way can be trafficked for a whole host of reasons including, sexual exploitation, or to provide cheap labour for domestic, or commercial purposes.

According to other figures released from concerned organisations in this field, many of these children are likely to end up dead within five years of initially being trafficked, often through sexual abuse and sexual diseases, or pure brutality, either at the hands of their traffickers or at the hands of those who they have been sold to.

Child victims of trafficking often come from poor families and lack economic and educational opportunities and possibly been separated from their families, In some cases these children may have minimal education, but lack vocational skills or have few job opportunities through which they may be able to fend for themselves and therefore, are most at risk.

These factors, when coupled with gender, racial or ethnic discrimination, or family insecurity caused by such things as armed conflict or natural disasters, poverty, and simply being dis-owned by those who are supposed to love and care for them, create the ideal environment for trafficking networks.

World-Trade and its effects on Poverty and Life in the slums

On the subject of Aid and world trade, Aid is reported to be a complex, political and economic issue. Whilst we of the west, recognize that the sending of Aid to many countries of the world, has many positive effects, it is equally recognized too, that Aid has also numerous potential negative consequences, particularly in areas such as political governance, human rights, dependency and its impact on local markets which also have to be taken into account.

It is now believed, that rather than seeking to apportion blame for the increases in poverty around the globe and other similar such matters, the best thing that Christians can do is to pray persistently for these situations. And in particular, pray for the leaders of Western governments that they would have wisdom and compassion and foresight, as they shape the way their countries relate to developing nations and seek to tackle world poverty correctly rather than to profit from it. We can change and do what is right so that the world will change and do what is right in the eyes of God.
Other damning factors involving poverty is that there are an estimated 1 billion people who now live in slums throughout the world. Perhaps even more startling is the fact that this figure is expected to double by 2030. Many slum areas have poor sanitation with little access to clean water and a high incidence of communicable diseases.

Once again, there are fewer job opportunities and for those who do work there are extremely poor working conditions. Another serious factor about slum areas in many countries around the world is that they often have a reputation for extreme violence often fuelled by trigger factors such as alcohol and drug abuse, this type of degenerate crime often arises out of a sense of injustice and helplessness that is clearly due to the enormous disparity of wealth.
For many mission organizations operating in these areas, showing the love of Christ to people living in such devastating circumstances, and where physical, mental and emotional needs are paramount, can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, as Christians, we need to pray for more workers to be sent to these areas of the world, and that they would be able to practically demonstrate the love of God to those people, who feel vulnerable and abandoned and without hope in this world.

For more details on these issues please visit the following links below:

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Longing For YOUR Father's Love?

All My Life I Have Longed For My Father's Love And His Approval And I found The Answer In God... And This Is What He Says:
( Click on the Video Below To See His Message)
For He Is Better Than Any Earthly Father Ever Could Be...


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