Saturday 29 January 2011

Social Learning as a Precedence for Biblical Sin.

According to The Scriptures, 'the Heart' is the centre of all the operations of human life: (thoughts, intentions, deliberations, emotions and actions). In other words the heart of man is viewed as the 'home' of one's personal life.

Jesus makes this point abundantly clear in Matt. ch.15:11 that: "it is not that which goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but that which proceeds out of his mouth that defiles man".

Again in (Matt. 15:16-17), Jesus continues discussing the problems of the human heart and says to those who think they have understanding of these matters that the things that go into the mouth of Man go into his belly and generally passes into the wind. but in verse 18, Jesus says that the things that come out of the mouth of man, usually come from the heart and these are the things that defile man, or, (these are the things that show forth the depravity of man - (my emphasis)). Jesus then emphasises clearly in verse 19 that "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts and intentions, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses and blasphemies."

The Bible tells us in the book of Jeremiah chapter 17:9 that: "The Heart is desperately wicked above all things and who can know it."

It is for this reason that in modern medicine the heart as an organ is seen as the Physiological centre of the body and therefore as the seat of physiological life.

However, in Psychological understanding, the heart is viewed as the main focus of man's inner personal life and therefore the source, or mainspring of human thought, passions and motives, and is considered to be the source of ones conscience, as the heart is thought to be associated with cognitive, effective, and volitional elements that make up ones personal life.

For example: in Proverbs ch 2:10, the heart is seen as "the seat of Wisdom" along with other factors such as 'Trust', 'Confidence' (Prov.3:5); 'Diligence' (Prov.4:23); 'Perversness' (Prov.6:14); 'Wicked Imaginations' (Prov.6:18); 'Subtlety' (Prov.7:10); 'Deceitfulness' (Prov.12:20); and so on, throughout.

Thus it is this concept, that what comes out of man, is what is commonly considered the driving force for 'good' or 'bad', and for righteousness, or for unrighteousness, and for profit, or gain. The heart therefore, is seen as the 'dayspring' of man's attitudes and behaviours.

A Modern View of Behaviour

One of the main components that affects or influences human behaviour is how we view, or perceive, what we believe is going on around us, and this 'perception' is closely followed by our 'interpretation' of these things, and more specifically, by our own 'imitations' of such behaviours.

In other words, 'Human Behaviour', is affected by 'observational learning' and imitation of others. This concept is based on numerous, long standing studies of human behaviour by Psychologists, who have developed these studies into a theory known as: 'Social Learning Theory'.

SLT, states that the actions we imitate, appear to fall into two main categories and these are said to determine, what we as humans, will imitate.
  • What we believe we can and cannot do.
  • The outcome of the action(s) we are contemplating copying
  • The benefits/rewards of such actions.

Generally, it is accepted that we do not try to imitate behaviours that we believe we cannot imitate successfully. However, we generally only copy behaviours that we feel are most likely to have a positive outcome for us.

This means that we will only copy behaviours that result in making us appear skillful, or popular, or safe. Though it can be said too, that we will also copy behaviours that may be detrimental, or threatening, or contain risks etc., if the outcomes are likely to provide us with some form of individual gratification, or a sense of overwhelming power, or control of others, or personal benefit, or personal esteem, for us.

The imitation of others, is based largely on our perceptions of the rewards that might be gained and that are the main result of our actions, whether positive, or negative, that appear to reinforce, or strengthen, the perceived actions of others, leading to an apparent positive outcome.

It must also be said that: behaviours that are seen to be punished by the society in which we live, are perhaps for many, a less likely option for copying behaviours, though this tendency also appears to be changing in the light of an increasingly lawless society.

The actions or behaviours of the people that we imitate are called 'Modelling' and this idea is based on several factors or characteristics of the people, (Role Models), that we copy.

These Characteristics are defined by the following points:

  • How significant the person or their influence is in our lives.
  • How powerful we perceive them to be in relationship to ourselves and the effect that this imagery has on us.
  • How similar we believe the person(s) are in relation to ourselves.
  • How we believe that their actions or behaviours are rewarded or reinforced.

Naturally, this theory changes according to the diversity of cultural and social influences that make up the type of background that we, as humans, grow up in. From a purely scriptural point of view, this can be viewed as the cultural and social differences between the Canaanites, the Perrizites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, that lived in the land to which God was taking His chosen people.

Furthermore, Aggression, Prejudice and Depravation are also major factors affecting our behaviour with others and are considered to be a result of social learning.

The Bible says that: "There is a way which seems right to man, but these ways are the ways of death".

Sin therefore, is the product of a heart not centered on the Love of God and consequently not centered on the love of our neighbour (our fellow man), but solely on the love of self or the Love of money or both.

What then can we do to change our behaviours?
  • Recognise that change is possible
  • Recognise the behaviour that needs changing
  • If necessary, seek help from a reputable source
  • Adopt a better attitude
  • Seek Repentance  through Jesus Christ
  • Request His Forgiveness
  • Accept His death on the cross, (He died for us that we might be saved)
  • Put your Trust in God

The Bible says that if we confess our sins before God, He is 'Faithful' and 'Just' to forgive us our sins.

The Bible tells us that this is the reason that Jesus came into the world for God is not willing that all men should die and come to judgement, but that the whole world through HIM, (Jesus), might be saved.

God can bring about change in the most vilest of hearts, but YOU must recognise Him as the only way to salvation.

Jesus is The way, The Truth, and The Life and no man can come to God except through Him.

Turn your hearts toward God. Do it now!

Pray The Sinners Prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, Hear my Prayer.
I turn my heart toward You Lord and I accept what your word says about me.
I accept that I am a sinner. 
I believe that you died on the cross for me and that you shed your blood for me.
And I ask you to Forgive me All my sins Lord and wash me clean in your precious blood.

I Turn my back on all that I have been and all that I have done and I ask you Lord, to come into my life TODAY! Come into my heart Lord Jesus and renew my heart, cleanse me, and make me whole now, in Jesus name, I pray.

If you prayed this prayer then give thanks to God, praise Him for his lovingkindness and His tender mercies toward you... Then go out and tell somebody about it.

Find a church and get help with your New Life.

God Bless You!

SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY: Sourced From Bandura et al (1977)  Social Learning Theory

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