Sunday 9 May 2010

2012: Mayan Mayhem Predicted.

There appears to be a growing number of so-called 'experts' that are making some serious predictions about the end of the world. Are they right in their assumptions? Many are adamant that the world will end in 2012. Is this date a true and accurate account of the facts, or are these assumptions based on wild and speculative misconceptions of the data they claim to have found?

Take Nostradamus or Sir Isaac Newton's Bible Code Prphecy as examples: they have both approached the subject of the 'End of the World' from different perspectives - Scrying and Chronology - but have apparently come up with similar results for their predictions and it is also claimed that they have predicted 2012 as a possible date for an apocalyptic end for mankind. Yet when ordinary people attempt to discover their calculations and see how they worked it out there appears to be restrictions on access to their mathematical formulas and manuscripts, which can only be accessed by the elite of society.

Mayan calenders and Egyptian hieroglyphics are also said to famously stop at this date leading many to believe that the end of the world is imminent. So is this prediction more than a Hollywood blockbuster?

The Bible does not give any open clues about the date for the apocalypse and there are those who suggest that certain predictions for the last days are encoded in the scriptures and therefore linked to a chronological system that is at best, difficult to interpret, let alone understand.

My personal view is that the end of the world is not yet but that does not mean that we are not in an apocalyptic phase as the world has currently experienced a number of events which have been foretold by Jesus himself such as wars and rumours of wars, famines, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Jesus said: "Be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet... All these things are the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew ch24 v. 6-8).

Thus it would appear that the so-called experts are wrong. It seems that Jesus is saying that these signs are not the end of the world but the beginning of sorrows, a time of great tribulation and upheaval for all believers.

I believe that the great conjunction (AKA the great alignment) of the planets is simply God's way of bringing all mankind into perfect alignment with his word to get man to take notice of the things that He says will come to pass if there is no repentance. Some of you folks out there may agree with the 2012 prediction and for those of you who consider this date a fact, I have only this to say: Only time will tell!

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